The prayer ministry is committed to Trail Christian Fellowship being an active “house of prayer”. Prayer is the means of being a part in the ongoing trials and victories of each other’s lives. On behalf of all who serve in the prayer ministry, we consider it a privilege to be entrusted with your prayer requests.
How to submit a prayer request
The church office
You may submit a prayer request via email to You may also call the office and speak to a member of the office staff, or press “3” at any time to leave a voicemail for the prayer team.
Phone and email prayer requests are also placed in a group email and immediately distributed to pastors, elders, and the “internet prayer connection”. You may also request that only the Pastors receive your prayer request. The compiled lists are used only during the week they are submitted.
Prayer team members & pastors
We are available at the front of the church after each service. They are there to intercede; to seek the presence of God on behalf of others. They are ready and willing to agree with you in prayer for any reason or spiritual need, cry with you, rejoice with you, or just come alongside to encourage you. For those requesting, the prayer team members will also anoint with oil per James 5:14-15.
How the prayer ministry functions
Body life prayer
The prayer request slips are considered the “heartbeat” of our prayer ministry. Each Monday, the compiled list of all prayer requests is sent out via email to those who have requested and been approved to be intercessors on the “internet prayer connection”, and a paper copy is placed in every pastors mail box.
Important, just in case you were wondering, the first three guidelines for those involved in the prayer ministry are to treat all prayer requests as: 1) Confidential, 2) Very Confidential, and 3) Absolutely Confidential.
Pastoral prayer
The first hour and a half of each staff meeting (Tuesday morning) is spent in prayer. Each pastor brings their copy of the compiled prayer requests, to which one page of TCF phone directory listings has been added. If your name is in the TCF phone directory, you will receive a note on the month during which your name will come up asking you to let us know of any prayer requests.
The pastors and elders who participate take turns praying “around the table” for the prayer requests and for any other needs we are aware of. Also, for those who desire prayer and anointing with oil by the staff and pastors; please call the office to schedule a time. (541) 878-3501
Prayer ministry opportunities
Men’s prayer breakfast
Every Friday morning at 6:30 am, breakfast is served and the men gather for a time of fellowship, teaching, and prayer. A pastor shares from the Word and leads the men in Scripture-based prayer for the body of Christ and the ministries of TCF.
Global outreach prayer
Intercession for TCF-supported outreaches, both global and local, short term and career, gather the first Monday of each month at 6:30pm in the Adult Classroom View Calendar here. For additional information, email
Becoming a “prayer warrior”
For further questions and information about joining the “email prayer chain,” or any of the other prayer meetings, email Darrel Wiltrout at